How to go from bus driver to frontend developer

After working as a bus driver for 5 years, Nico landed his first professional frontend development job showing us all it's never too late to be the change you want to see in your life.
Nico's story is incredible. After working as a bus driver for 5 years, he recently landed his first professional frontend development job showing us all it's never too late to be the change you want to see in your life.
In this episode, Nico and I explore many interesting topics including,
  • Escaping the dreaded tutorial hell 🔥
  • Pushing your comfort zone to secure multiplejob offers 
  • What Nico's two-day interview process looked like 😱
  • Nico's tips for creating a résumé and portfolio that stand out (here's Nico's portfolio)
  • How Nico weirdly helped himself by helping others in the Scrimba Discord (??)
  • And more
How to go from bus driver to frontend developer
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